Wednesday, January 7, 2009

He was the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Quin Chi Huang Ti ruled for around 90 years and he also unified China in 221 B.C. and turned the country into a centralized empire Before Qin Shi Huang unified China the country was torn apart by wars different beliefs in the regional kingdoms. From the 8th century the rival kingdoms were constantly engaged in warfare during the later Zhou Dynasty. By 403 b.c. only seven major kingdoms remained. Of which the Kingdom of Qin gradually became the strongest. These kingdoms continued their fighting until 221 b.c., when Qin's king, later known as Qin Shi Huang Ti, defeated all the other kingdoms. His unification of China not only ended six centuries of wars but also started a centralized imperial system which was to last for over 2, 000 years. And a fun little fact he thought that MERCURY (in fish) would cure sickness and stop you from dying so he drank it and it made him crazy and then later leading to his death.

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